A core drilling machine used to extract core samples for geological exploration.

Core Barrel: The core drill has a hollow, cylindrical tool called a core barrel, which captures the rock core as the drill penetrates. The core barrel can vary in size depending on the desired core diameter and depth.

Diamond-Tipped Drill Bits: Core drills typically use diamond-tipped drill bits because diamonds are the hardest material and can effectively cut through dense, hard rock formations.

Rotary Drilling Mechanism: Core drills use a rotary motion to drive the drill bit into the rock. The rotation, combined with the hardness of the diamond bit, cuts through the rock while preserving the cylindrical core.

Water Circulation: Most core drills use water or drilling fluid to cool the bit, lubricate the drill string, and flush out rock cuttings. This circulation system helps reduce friction, prevent overheating, and keeps the drilling area clear of debris.

Portable and Rig-Based Options: Core drills come in portable models for shallow sampling and larger rig-mounted models for deep core drilling. Portable core drills are suited for lighter exploration tasks, while rig-mounted drills can extract samples from thousands of meters below the surface.

Available for Quote:

  • Core Barrel
  • Diamond Drill Bit