A specialized machine used in underground mining operations for cutting and gathering material efficiently. Unlike traditional mining methods that rely on drilling, blasting, and separate loading equipment, a continuous miner performs both cutting and loading tasks in one operation.

High Production Rates: Continuous miners can cut and load material simultaneously, enabling high productivity rates compared to other underground mining methods.

Reduced Need for Drilling and Blasting: Continuous miners eliminate the need for drilling and blasting, making them safer, more efficient, and less disruptive to surrounding rock and infrastructure.

Improved Safety: With remote-control options, operators can control the continuous miner from a safe distance, reducing exposure to hazardous areas and conditions.

Lower Operational Costs: Continuous miners are electric-powered, which reduces fuel costs and minimizes ventilation requirements in underground mines.

Consistency: Continuous miners provide a steady stream of material, making it easier to maintain a consistent production flow, which benefits downstream processing systems.

Available for Quote: 

  • Cutter Head
  • Gathering Arms